The Life and Times of a Logo. And how it taught me hope.
Are you playing the game of your life from the corner of the field?
Do you know your worth?
When putting your best foot forward, watch where you step.
Will a little Bibi go a long way?
Born To Be Wildly Discontent
Silent as the Grave: why life is better than death, even when it's not
Tara Lynn ThompsonAsh Wednesday, Bruce Jenner sex change, God silence, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Jerry Sittser, Kanye West stage rushing, death, redemption, trust in God, unanswered prayer
10 Ways to Fix 50 Shades
Tara Lynn Thompson50 Shades of Grey, Anastasia Steele, Christian Grey, E L James, ISIS, Old-Fashioned movie, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Valentine's Day, abused women, domestic violence, inner goddess, love story, smurf
If truth is relative...
Tara Lynn ThompsonBill Clinton, Brian Williams, John Edwards, Lance Armstrong, Milli Vanilli, Snickers, Tiger Woods, absolute truth, celebrity lies, truth is relative, truth
Do. Then know. It's not a chicken or egg thing.
Tara Lynn ThompsonWinston Churchill, breakfast, business lessons, chicken, egg yoke, egg, expert in your field, expert in your industry, expertise, hard work, learn by doing, life lessons, life, practice makes perfect, success
How ridiculous people help us love the annoying ones
Why shutting up may save the world
Resistance is NOT futile
Celebrating Labor Day in January
This Season Matters
Tara Lynn ThompsonChristmas, Criss Angel, David Copperfield, Dr. Seuss, Jesus Christ, Penn & Teller, holiday depression, holidays, joy of the season, magic, reason for the season, stress of the holidays
Dear God, thank you for all the hard times.
Tara Lynn ThompsonAmerican government, Mayflower Compact, Thanksgiving, The Mayflower, William Bradford, endurance, hard work, pilgrims, problems, stress, struggling, trials
November 4: Live blogging...sort of
Mork from Ork and the Terrific, Hilarious, All Good, Very Funny Life
You Win Some, You Lose Some First
Chipotle Marketing: A lesson in increasing Qdoba sales