Posts tagged Jesus Christ
There's only one way to stop hate, if we're willing. But are we?
Tara Lynn ThompsonCharlottesville, Erwin Brothers, Jesus Christ, PK, Virginia riot, Woodlawn, forgiveness, love your enemies, pastor's kid, peace, racial division, racial strife
Yes. But He's alive.
Tara Lynn ThompsonChristianity, Easter Sunday, Easter, Good Friday, He is Risen, He's alive, Jesus Christ, hope, hopeless, overcoming, pain, struggle, the tomb is empty
Divide and conquer? Or unite and heal?
Tara Lynn ThompsonChristian films, Erwin Brothers, Jesus Christ, Jon Voight, Sean Astin, Woodlawn, finding racial harmony, forgiveness, overcoming racism, racial unity, the common good, uniting people
This Season Matters
Tara Lynn ThompsonChristmas, Criss Angel, David Copperfield, Dr. Seuss, Jesus Christ, Penn & Teller, holiday depression, holidays, joy of the season, magic, reason for the season, stress of the holidays
It's Friday. But Sunday's Coming.
Would you like to dance?
Quote Them: Anne Rice leaves Christianity in the name of Jesus Christ
Leader of the Third Rock
the Word: Cultural Relativism
the Word: will the real Hope please stand up
the Word: Truish
The Word: God's rights
Uncle Royce