There's only one way to stop hate, if we're willing. But are we?
Tara Lynn ThompsonCharlottesville, Erwin Brothers, Jesus Christ, PK, Virginia riot, Woodlawn, forgiveness, love your enemies, pastor's kid, peace, racial division, racial strife
No, life isn't always great. But my book is.
Tara Lynn ThompsonJust Another Sidekick, Not Another Superhero, The Another Series, encouragement, honesty, hope, joy, life, overcoming, struggles, victory
Are there boundaries in entertainment anymore? And, if so, what are they?
Entertainment at the cost of what?
The Life and Times of a Book Festival
Tara Lynn Thompson#notanothersuperhero, Decopolis, Just Another Sidekick, Tulsa, authors, book festival, book signing, bookfest, downtown, fiction
Why is entertainment so unentertaining?
Tara Lynn ThompsonGame of Thrones, HBO, Homeland, Prager University, Showtime, art, cable shows, classics, entertainment, moral standards
Let the good times roll.
Tara Lynn ThompsonComedy, Just Another Sidekick, Not Another Superhero, action adventure, author, book release, marketing, publishing, romantic mystery, sequel, writing
Send ANYONE Else
Tara Lynn ThompsonCharleton Heston, Egypt, God, Moses, The Remnant, The Ten Commandments, hope, purpose, service group, volunteerism
Yes. But He's alive.
Tara Lynn ThompsonChristianity, Easter Sunday, Easter, Good Friday, He is Risen, He's alive, Jesus Christ, hope, hopeless, overcoming, pain, struggle, the tomb is empty
Don't despise criticism. Despise the absence of it.
Tara Lynn ThompsonIslam, criticism, growing up, hate speech, political correctness, sacred cows, safe spaces, social justice warriors, the science is settled, thought police
Ladies, you've embarrassed strong women long enough.
The storm your meteorologist isn't talking about.
7 Unwanted Emotions and the Uncommon Advice To Overcome Them
Tara Lynn ThompsonFrozen, Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael, confused, despair, disappointed, emotions, faith, hope, hopeless, jealous, life struggles
Everything needed to be happy I learned from an outhouse
Tara Lynn ThompsonGrandma, Oklahoma Land Run, contentment, discontentment, fresh spring wells, gratitude, indoor plumbing, legacy, lost elections, outhouse, riots, water well
Love's a Lover AND a Fighter
Tara Lynn ThompsonGod, Switchfoot, Valentine's Day, boxing, encouragement, fighting, hope, love, pain, perseverance, struggle, war
Prove the doubters wrong. The audience'll love it.
Tara Lynn Thompson2016, Brexit, Chicago Clubs, Cleveland Cavaliers, Coastal Carolina, Curse of the Billy Goat, Donald Trump, Stephen Gostkowski, Super Bowl 51, Tevin Coleman, Tom Brady, clutch, greatest comeback
Can anything calm the nation's civil unrest? Well...there is this one thing.
Tara Lynn ThompsonGod's character, God's peace, God's promises, anti-Trump protests, civil unrest, fear, pro-choice, pro-life, protests, riots, women's march
How much difference could one life make?
The more I know the less I understand
You may already be a success. And don't know it.