Ladylikeness 3: the battle for your mind Darkness is no biggie. It doesn’t affect me. Read More LadylikenessTara Lynn ThompsonApril 13, 2019Lady lessons, Strong femininity, Strong women, entertainment, peace of mind
Are there boundaries in entertainment anymore? And, if so, what are they? Tara Lynn ThompsonJuly 21, 2017D. B. Weiss, David Benioff, Game of Thrones, Hollywood, entertainment, storytelling
Entertainment at the cost of what? Tara Lynn ThompsonJuly 19, 2017Hollywood, entertainment, film quality, morality, tv, viewing standards
Why is entertainment so unentertaining? Tara Lynn ThompsonJune 14, 2017Game of Thrones, HBO, Homeland, Prager University, Showtime, art, cable shows, classics, entertainment, moral standards
Alien v Marine. Bet on the Marine. Tara Lynn ThompsonMarch 21, 2011Battle: Los Angeles, Bill Whittle, Declaration Entertainment, Hollywood, entertainment, movies