Memoir Writing Class: The Story of You

Memoir Writing Class: The Story of You


May 11 – June 15

Tuesdays, 6-7 pm (CST)

1-hour / 6-week / virtual / live class

There’s nothing safe about a good story. Not if it’s a living thing. Not if it snaps off the page and bites you. Stories were never meant to be docile things. Just sitting there. Just twiddling their thumbs.

A good story – a great one, even – will affect you physically. Your heart will pound. Or swell. Your mouth will whimper. Your throat will tighten. You’ll laugh so loud and unexpectedly the reaction will scare you. You’ll feel. You’ll be lost. You’ll enter a mysterious world and fight to ever be forced out again.

Now, that’s a good story.

But how do we make our stories come alive like that? How do we make them breathe and gasp and make our reader wiggle with discomfort or satisfaction? How do we become a writer with that kind of force?

How? We sharpen all the writer’s tools – some known, some secret – until a little blood is left on the edges. Are you game?

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