Tara Lynn Thompson

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Thank YOU isn't enough

They all tell me the same thing. Every time I've sat with a veteran, especially those legendary heroes from World War II, they all say the same thing, "I had it easy. There were a lot of men who gave so much more than me."
From around the world to across the battlefield, they've been to them all, each place a hell of death and a war for freedom. And still they honor their fellow soldiers more than themselves.

In my career, the hours I've spent with veterans has always been my highlight and my joy. So today, on Veterans Day, all I can say is "thank you." And it isn't enough.

Here's a WWII veteran tribute from Reason.TV. I dare you not to cry.

THANK YOU VETERANS. Each of you. My life has been possible because of you. I cannot repay the debt. All I can do is never forget, always honor, and forever fight for this great country and what it represents: the only home of freedom for mankind.