Tara Lynn Thompson

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Endangering the species of men

I was told not long ago
by a female, friend, or foe
about the paradox of men
those hairy specimen

What they've lost and we can't find
A strength of character and mind
Leadership and heart combined
Someone wise and smart and kind

A timeless male of truth and grit
who tackles jobs and doesn't quit
He bares his teeth and stands his ground
and into dust injustice he'll pound

But instead, said she
we have a wannabe
not masculine or tough
but overly tanned and buff

their hair styled right
their teeth stark white
no overbite
their shirt too tight

She had a point, I must admit
the description too easily fit
men concerned with clothes and hair
worried by hangnails and skin too fair

Sipping coffee in their sandaled feet
wearing an ensemble complete
only sweating while in a gym
with the air controlled and the women thin

What to do, I really didn't know
But should on your path a metro show
Comment on their manicured toe
When they look down, go, go, go.

The Independent: Men effeminate due to fashion, says Kazakhstan President's daughter